A side story of an American Female Reader who is a hard-worker, doesn't exactly have much of a social life, lives in an apartment complex that is close to her college campus, works at a supernatural occult shop, and lastly had a strange upbringing.
She was a master manipulator when she was younger, she enjoyed watching her older siblings get into physical fights and watching her parents get into screaming matches. Reader also had a problem laughing at people who got hurt. A friend of hers when she was young pointed that out. For some reason it was a reflex or at least that's what reader believed back then.
Reader also had a problem with unfair advantages that other kids had that she didn't have, nor did she find that these kids deserved these advantages when they were going to rub it in her or anyone else's face. She found it pleasurable when these very same people get what they deserved and then claim how unfair it is that they don't have that same advantage anymore.
Basically, reader is sadly a sadistic person through negligence of parental guidance and nurture, through constant bullying and comparison to others, and lack of compassion and consideration towards her needs as a child (this includes from siblings, teachers, any adult authority that she goes to for help or whatever).
Pictures belong to original artists.