Set in the year 2342, Humanity has doomed themselves by making Earth devoid of life, forcing them to live in a interstellar space ark called the Monarch. For generations, Humanity is forced to obliged new laws to ensure survivor by arranged marriage, limited breeding, and lack of freedom. Daniel Marsh, the next male in line to be arranged, is unhappy by this and seeks to be free from it all. But as luck would have it, an accident causes him to depart in an escape pod to the planet called Anthia, where he finds it habitable by Anthropomorphic Animals. Through it all, Daniel has a taste of Freedom as well as befriending and falling in love with an Anthro girl name Rose. But he would have to face the hard decision of either giving up his freedom to preserve Humanity, or forfeited all for his true love and his Freedom. Contains Sexual themes and self hurting elements. Viewer desecration advise.