As the war at Hogwarts rages on, Harry Potter is left with the hardest decision in his life. Voldemort gives Harry a choice between Death and compromise, but what will Tom Riddle ask of Harry? Will he make the choice to save everyone's lives? Standing in the Forbidden Forest in the dark of night, looking into the eyes of the most evil Wizard to ever live....what will Harry choose?
Dark Harry Potter
NOT a happy story, nobody dies but there's no cute little creatures or fun fluff in this story....just Angst and smut!
Rated M for very mature and explicit content!
Mentions of smutty sex and sexual scenes, abuse of alcohol and drugs, rape, slavery, torture, gore, blood, and other traumatic scenes! Read at your own risk!!!
⚠️Harry X Everyone!!!⚠️ This is not a strict Drarry pairing story, read if you wanna find out who gets sucked and who gets fucked!!!
Character visualization - Goblet of Fire Hair! Long and luxurious!!!
In the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco and Harry are both struggling to come to terms with the events of 'Deathly Hallows' and find their place in the new world.
When they are unexpectedly thrown back into each other's lives, things go as well as you might expect. But Harry, like Dumbledore, believes in giving people second chances. He believes that everybody has a chance at redemption - including repentant Death Eaters.