"I first realized I was given the short end of the stick at the mere age of 9 years old when my parents sent me away to live with my adoptive aunt, and kept my brothers. It's not like they wanted me in the first place, but it is a nice thought, isn't it?" I said as I caressed her face. She looked as beautiful as the stars in the sky. I was lucky to have her with me. "You know, it's funny. Here I am reminiscing over my dingy old past when I haven't given you the time out of my day to listen to what you have to tell me." I look into her eyes, my heart fluttering a tiny bit. God, she was gorgeous. Her eyes widened as if to say she did want to speak, yet something was holding her back. "Silly me, let me get that from you my dear." Tenderly, I removed the duck tape from her mouth which immediately after I regretted as she spat in my face. Swearing, I struck her unconscious. "Oh, you nasty bitch! Do you know who you're messing with?" Heaving deep gulps of air, I stood over her while she slumbered. "Don't worry," I mumbled. Soon this will be over with, and I shall have to deal with your behavior no more."
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