CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN [[BEFORE YOU READ]] this is NOT, I repeat NOT a ship fan fiction. Yes it has elements of it between shuichi and kaede but it is NOT to be romanticized. Kaede is meant to be obsessive and controlling. Shuichi is a victim and their relationship should not be seen as healthy or romantic. This is also no way endorsing these acts, this is simply a fun idea that came into my head. If you or a loved one are suffering in an abusive household, relationship, or friendship, GET HELP!! There's no shame in reaching out and trying to find a safe place. Also before any one tries to make this seem like I'm hating on Kaede, I'm not. I love her and honestly she's my favorite v3 character. I just wanted to see how this would play out and how much it would affect her mental health. Ok have fun <33 (SPOILER WARNING TEHEEEEEEE) Kaede's eyes fluttered open softly. Bright fluorescent lights blinded her as she held up a hand to shield them. A faint beeping sound could be heard. Her body ached and her joints felt as if something was crushing them. She slowly lifted her body up and took a minute to gather her surroundings. She was in a hospital room. Where am I? Aren't I dead? (art is not mine)All Rights Reserved