When the Diaz move away from Riverside, they don't expecte their new life to include Karate, Dojos, Senseis... But when Miguel gets bullied, the twins don't have a choice but to learn how to defend themselves, each other, and the people they care about.
But at some point, necessity turns into passion.
Strangers turn into friends...
And some friends into something more.
In this new town, life for Daniela Diaz will be punctuated by fights between dojos, secrets, betrayals, rivaleries, falling in love and falling quite literally. Despite trying her best, will Danny manage to keep up with her friends and ennemies pace during their race to escape their troubled past and to arrive number one in the future ? If she doesn't get lost in baby blue eyes along the way, she has all her chances...
But getting lost never sounded so good, when loosing herself means finding him.
And who knows ? Maybe she'll find who she wants to be by doing so.
Cobra Kai Fanfic, I don't own any of the characters or the storyline, only Danny.