I screeched in terror, and fell back to the wall. I slid down the side of the wall and sat there, hugging my knees to my chest. My wolf, Lilac, talked to me and said, "Really? You aren't scared of risking your life, but your scared if spiders? " She was not so sure about the whole, human feelings, so she doesn't know how scary creepy crawlies are.
Spiders have 8 legs! Like, that is nothing compared to wolves and human. legs. That is twice the amount of wolves, and 4 times the amount for humans. The students from my pack and class came dashing through the halls, and past me. The thunder stopped. It was coming my way. "What happened? " They said in unity. "The-the locker, and m-my stuff was in-infested..... With SPIDERS! " I screamed in horror. One of the senior girls opened my locker and started going through my stuff. I just sat the in fright.
After rummaging through my stuff, she handed me a note. The note read, "Give this to Alpha Aron, Luna Faith. We are coming for you and your pack. Your leaders and Luna's will be gone in 3 moons. We are coming for SleepWinng and GalacticBurn as well. WE ARE COMING!"
When the hunters unite, the alphas
are taken. The Luna's are lost, and when they all loose their alphas, will these three rival clans howl with hope, or will they fall in their depths of despair. Luna's, Casey, Star and Faith take on the lead, and unleash their inner hate towards the hunters for taking their mates. The rivals, become never ending bonds, and never let their hate come between them again.
Maeve is a simple human. Someone who comes from broken household, so what happens when moving to her half-sisters place in a completely different world? Because suddenly she not only has to struggle to get a fresh start behind her but also how to deal with her soulmates.
Those who are apparently very possessive and also protective , because after the first encounter they don't seem to want to leave her side.