"Why have I been having dreams about the incident 12 years ago lately?"
Alex, an 15-year-old orphan, known for his cheerful and energetic personality. He lived with his sister, Axelia.
When he was 7 years old, their mother was murdered in front of him while trying to protect him and his sister from a group of evildoers. Their mother had been the leader of Marikistal Village, and after her death, their father disappeared without a trace and was believed to be dead. The responsibility of leading the village fell to Alex's sister, Axelia, who became the village leader at the age of 18.
One day, while Alex was in the forest helping a friend pick fruits, he discovered a necklace that once belonged to his missing father. Alex became convinced that his father was still alive. He tried to convince his sister that their father was alive, but she didn't believe his words. Many events unfolded as he attempted to find his father.
One day, Alex was abducted and taken far from the village, forced to reveal a celestial key. Alex had no idea what that was, and the chain his father had given him was, in fact, a celestial key. As he searched for a way back home and protected the dangerous celestial key, he discovered numerous mysterious connections with the people around him.
Could Alex find his missing father?
الرواية بقلمي أنا إنتصار لخضاري (غيمة) سأقاضي كل من ينقلها بدون إذني .
🍂تنتقل فتاة المدينة للعيش في بيت جدتها في الريف بعد ذلك الحادث الذي تسبب في موت عائلتها لتلتقي هناك بذلك الشاب الذي تدعوه هي بغريب القرية ...دون أن تعلم بأن كل شيء حدث كان مخططا له ، لم تكن أمهاتنا على خطأ حينما أوصيننا أن لا نثق بشخص غريب و أن لا ندعو أناسا لا نعرفهم لبيوتنا ...🍂
" يبدو أنكِ جديدة هنا ، على كل أنا أسكن بالجوار إن إحتجتِ لأي شيء "
إبتسمت و هي تمد يدها لتصافحه " أنا كلوديا ! ما هو إسمك يا غريب القرية ؟"
إبتسم هو إبتسامة ساحرة و صافحها قائلا
" إديس ...أدعى إديس "
🍂صحيح أنها كانت المرة الأولى التي يصافح فيها بشرية لكنه كان متأكدا من أن الأمر سيتعدى ذلك خلال الأيام القليلة القادمة .🍂