Once upon a time, Four gods made themselves a planet, splitting it into 4 equal nations to represent themselves; The swift Oceanics, The graceful Florians, The strong Rubblins and the secretive Lavafloes.
The gods let the world go wild, letting it run itself, supervising only their own nations evolution.
After the nations threw wars and started destroying the worlds natural beauty, the gods abandoned the world in disgust. Everybody blamed each other for the downfall, before cutting ties and going their separate ways.
Quite a while later, the young god, Spirit, decides to try and save this world from turmoil.
He has to first, gather up all four of the separated gods and hope they cooperate with him, and second, hope the world isn't too far gone, and third, somehow do it as an undercover traveler on the planet, without revealing that he is a god.. yeesh..
Idk what else to add im just bored and wanna write :)
Adrian, tuan muda kaya raya, Alpha, semua orang bertanya-tanya apa yang ia tidak punya kecuali narsisme dan keenganannya untuk melakukan pekerjaan rumah?
Bagaimanapun, Theodore tidak bisa membiarkan Adrian, orang yang ditakdirkan bersamanya menjadi penghalangnya. Tapi tentu saja tidak mudah. Adrian-begitu memesona dan menarik. Meski Theodore tidak akan mengakuinya.