Twilight is a series of vampire novels by Stephenie Meyer. It follows the life of Bella Swan, a teenager who moves to Forks, Washington, and finds her life radically changed when she falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen.
This community has been created by the fans, for the fans, and is dedicated to housing a useful and informative database for all subject matter related to the Twilight Saga
. Our goal is to collaborate with other fans in order to build a reliable, accurate resource with as much detailed information about the novels, films, characters, and story elements as possible. All are welcome to join in and contribute here, so long as edits are constructive, discussions are positive, and both are relevant to the Twilight Saga.
(from TwilightSagaWiki#)
Eithen Gomez are un secret știut doar de-o mână de persoane, sufletul închis și inima rece. Nimeni nu nimic nu-l poate înțelege sau sensibiliza. Totuși, există o persoană care pare să-l înțeleagă, iar acea persoană este...
Arthur Hastings are o inteligență care depășește media cu mult, gândire strategică și un colț al minții neexplorat de aproape nimeni.
Două persoane, două categorii sociale diferite, un singur element comun: secrete.