As Angmar prepares its final assault on the Kingdom of Arthedain, two half elves from a doomed house will determine the fate of the Line of Isildur forever.
#1 in Arnor, #1 in Dúnedain, #1 in Numenor
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The line of Fëanor ended when Sauron, in his wrath, killed Lord Celebrimbor of Eregion and impaled his lifeless body on a spear to use as his battle standard in the Second Age.
Except it didn't end.
The elven loremasters and wise men of Middle Earth knew otherwise. For long years, records of the half elven descendants of Caranthir and Haleth were kept in Rivendell and Annûminas. They were an open secret, wearing the colors and symbols of Fëanor but seldom using his name to distance themselves from the bad luck of his House.
And so as the Second Age ended and the Third Age moved on, the line continued, until the last remaining twin children of the line of Fëanor, Maedeth and Rínior, find themselves in positions of power in the crumbling Arnorian kingdom of Arthedain as it fights for its life against the shadow of Angmar.
But even thousands of years after Mandos spoke the Doom of the Noldor, it still haunts the footsteps of the House of Fëanor. And with the inevitable fall of Arnor, perhaps the Doom will finally come to fulfillment:
"The Dispossessed shall they be forever."
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Rated: PG-16
Based on: The Lord of the Rings Appendices and The Silmarillion
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Story about Emma and Hook being two different worlds but falling in love from the moment they'd first seen each other. Prince Charming,father of Emma and husband of Snow, doesn't like Hook and prefers Neal.
Who will win Emma's heart? Who will find a way to fight for her? Is it Hook or Neal? Read and find out.
(Book 1)
Cover by: Me