Once upon a tim there was 5 girls called karma zeina mariam sama and judy they were just like bffs actually they were bffs. They never get sad from each other, but sama was sad because zeina and mariam wanted karma for there selfs they forgot sama but she said she will never say. But after about 5 months she couldn't keep it in so she speaked up and said "zeina you took karma from me I mean u love her more its like you always push me theres no time for me to sit with karma alone" mariam"you too its like im invisible " but karma said that I am not going to love you three sama went with mariam and beside karma sama said karma is never gonna be our friends again samaknow shes joking. So sama went home and did my home work and slept. Next day sama went school karma didn't talk to any one of us now they know that karma wasn't jokingTodos los derechos reservados
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