ក្មេងប្រុសម្នាក់មិនពេញចិត្តនឹងទៅរៀន ហើយបម្រុងរត់ចេញពីផ្ទះដើម្បីដេញតាមក្តីស្រម៉ៃរបស់គេក្នុងការក្លាយជាជាងគំនូរ។ I planned this story to trash on the educational system in Cambodia, but it felt wrong because it was not the system to blame. Instead, it was our perspective on success that warped the true purpose of education itself. Note: This short story is a part of a short stories collection titled "ប្រលោមលោកជីវិត ភាគពីរ" which is available for purchase at https://www.facebook.com/ngsentrepreneurshipAll Rights Reserved