"Raya and the Last Dragon" is an animated adventure film that follows the journey of Raya and Krishno as they set out to save their world from a dark threat. The story takes place in a magical land called Kumandra, where humans and dragons once lived together in harmony. However, when an evil force known as the Druun threatens to destroy everything in its path, it's up to Raya and Krishno to find the last dragon and use her powers to defeat the Druun. Throughout their journey, Raya and Krishno face many challenges and obstacles, but they also meet new friends who help them along the way. Together, they must learn to trust each other and work as a team if they hope to save their world from destruction. With stunning animation, heartwarming characters, and thrilling action sequences, "Raya and Krishno: The Last Dragon" is sure to captivate audiences of all ages."