Hi! Everyone! It's my new e-book:)) It is very exciting to meet you with my first book. "Focus on Your Dreams" is actually one of my dreams. I have tried to present to you the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years through this book. I hope that "Focus on Your Dreams", which I wrote as a guide, will help you reach your dreams and goals. The main topics covered in this e-book are: 1. How to Explore Your Dreams? 2. How to Focus on Your Dreams? 3. What Should You Do to Discover Your Passion? 4. How to Follow Your Passion? 5. How to Set the New Year's Goals? 6. Why You Should Write Down Your Personal Goals? 7. The Power of Visualizing Goals 8. How to Achieve Your Goals in 15 Steps? 9. Ways to Be Motivated for Your Dreams 10. Ways to Achieve Your Dream Career 11. How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone? 12. Reasons for Fear of Failure 13. Ways to Get Rid of the Habit of Procrastination 14. What are the Ways to Stop Perfectionism? Visit here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1305131762/focus-on-your-dreams-and-be-motive-this?click_key=c6f8c8e513e477b8d92e3d36f46e2b4c4baa368e%3A1305131762&click_sum=8c944d1e&ref=shop_home_active_1All Rights Reserved