During Christmas break from school, a seemingly typical teenager discovers he's anything but ordinary. As the seventh son of a seventh son, Will Stanton is the Seeker. A chosen warrior destined to restore the delicate earthly balance between Light and Dark with the help of a young teenage girl named, Morganne. As the eighth daughter of a eighth daughter, Morganne is chosen to protect Will even if it means her own death. Morganne believes that she is a ordinary girl that protects someone who is special to the world, but what she doesn't know is that she is equally important. Guided by ancient protectors of the Light, Will and Morganne must travel through time to gather the hidden signs that hold ultimate power to protect the world. During his adventure Will finds himself falling for is protector Morganne, but will Will hide the feelings he's developing or will he let them out, better yet does Morganne feel the same.All Rights Reserved
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