Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha Summary: Sasuke decides to confess to Naruto only for him to reject him in a disgusting manner, after that reject Sasuke went home and something happened that he never came back to school in 2 weeks. Naruto. Finally starting to realize how harsh he was, and starts to realize his feelings goes to Sasuke's house to apologize and re-confess but something takes the wrong turn when he peaks through Sasuke's window and sees something he wasn't supposed to. Hanahaki Disease Meaning: The fictional HanaHaki Disease is common in stories from eastern Asia. They're especially well-known by readers of Japanese graphic novels, called Manga. A character catches HanaHaki Disease when they experience unrequited love. That means they have a crush on a person who doesn't like them back.All Rights Reserved