Cryo-Morro Academy, literally meaning Academy of the Frozen Hills, is a unique high school situated in the coldest of realms, with students and teachers even more unique. This story follows the protagonist, Zorro, a new student with unique features, just like the rest of the high school. Every student and teacher are all wildly, vastly different. Although, the principal sounds a little.. odd? Well, at least their school emblem looks pretty cool. I mean, it's their planet with a rearing unicorn on it! Just look at that! (Read this book, and find out about Zorro's daily life!) - Story is set constantly in Zorro's Point Of View, so no "Zorro's POV" or anything like that in the story. This is the one thing that makes this story unique among my other stories. And all chapters are made short, intended and on purpose. This is mostly to make the story longer with extra chapters. - Creation date: 10/8/22 (October 8, 2022) Completion date: TBA
3 parts