The shadow thief is about a boy; Ryan Oliver, who's grandfather always told him seemingly made up legends about heroes and monsters, but mostly...shadows. Ryan has no idea what he's getting into when he is entered into Piera Boarding School. There he meets a Daniel Johnson, a blind boy who notices things...shadows. Then there is the homeless albino, Keira Rosemary with a forgotten past that could destroy or save the entire world. Ryan, Daniel and Keira find themselves caught up in the dangerous business of "The Shadow Keepers" as they to try to unlock the truth behind Keira's past and Ryan's connection to shadows. Their journey leads them to an old failed quest from legends, to retrieve the stolen emblem of "The Shadow Keepers," but they steal a little more then they bargained for and The Lord Of Night, an evil shadow, has his own plans. The three soon discover that they are all more connected to Shadows then they realize...especially Ryan. What is the secret of Keira's past? Who was the mysterious figure that brought Daniel to Piera and most of all, why does The Lord Of Night claim that Ryan's blood will taint the land for generations? Find out in my story; The Shadow Thief.