Into the unknown...
A seamless, uncomplicated, unfeigned escape from the unsaid, unheard and exhausting life.
A peek into the unknown...
A place that has no location
Silence rules it has no population
People seem blank in this valley
Only words have voice in this alley
Look closely around to find your light
Your Life is not dark, it's just night
A book where emotions, passion, thoughts, care, love, sadness, agony and words mold together to make something new.
My journey to find life, happiness, and keep everything close to my heart that I lost.
A short poems and poetry collection by me.
Everything here is written by me, I am no expert so please bear with it. I am just expressing my thoughts and not trying to prove how I am the best poet here.
Welcome to my unknown safe haven.
𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍 Welcome into the unknown 𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍