He gave her a sheepish look of surprise. "Most girls would be flattered at my attempt to flirt with them."
She scoffed and shook her head. "Well, as a member of the "most girls" community, I can say that I am not."
"Wow. That's a bit harsh." He gave her a smug look and crossed his arms.
"Sorry." She shrugged. "I'm immune to boy charms. In fact, I think I'm allergic."
Shreya Malhotra is a senior at Univeristy of California, Santa Barbara and this is the year when she needs to get her life together before she gets pushed out into the real world. Writing is the only thing that keeps her sane after all of the trauma she's been through.
With her mom and dad's unfortunate death, she's been left under the care of her not-so-supporting step-aunt and forced to stay with her annoying step-cousin. As if college isn't stressful enough.
And then there's this other guy in her life. They met online by accident and have been talking for months but she's not brave enough to make it something real.
Rishi Shekhawat is the all-around superstar on campus. He's practically royalty because he's the running back on the Santa Barbara Football team: one of America's best college football teams. Rishi is the person guys want to be, and girls want to be with. But in actuality, he would instead blend in with the background noise. His only focus has been football and finishing his degree. That was until he met this girl. He doesn't even know her name or what she looks like, but she's the girl he'd want to be honest with.
Because of circumstances, Rishi needs an English tutor or he won't be able to play. And much to her dismay, Shreya is the perfect person for the job.