Megan Goes to a school called School For The Spy's Aka S.F.T.S. Megan is a top spy that can take out a CIA agent in 2 seconds flat. No one knows about this school, to get in you have to have had a relative in that range. Meagan has a bad past but when she came to the school thing turned for the better. 5 years in the school, she's on her last year and is 19. She gets a call from Simon asking if she could Protect One Direction from the people that want to kill them. But Simon, knowing the boys wanted megan to go under cover as Paul's adopted daughter. This Is a dangerous world. Megan is a really good spy, but is she that good? Read to find out!:D BOOK IS BETTER AFTER CHAPTER 6! Please read up tell chp. 8:)All Rights Reserved