66 parti Completa Reserved and private, Jon is rocked with a glitter bomb of queer affection when he collides with former crush, Kurt.
Jon's an introvert. Kurt's an extrovert. Jon's never had a boyfriend. Kurt's hooked up a hundred times. Jon's devoutly Christian. Kurt said 'f*ck you' to the whole charade of religion that left him hurting and homeless years ago.
Kurt's out, rocking his queer identity loud and proud onstage. Jon is...well, it's complicated. He thought he'd made peace with his sexuality, but his role caring for children in a Christian not-for-profit group home doesn't permit him to have a gay relationship. Jon's so stretched carrying full-time school and full-time work, he needs his housemate and best friend, Cary, to remind him to eat. Where would he even find the room for a six-foot tall, fabulously queer boyfriend?
When Kurt shows up on Jon's doorstep, hungover and more fragile than he appeared under the spotlights, something has to give. Tentatively rekindling their romance in the nitty-gritty of their adult lives, Jon and Kurt have everything to lose and everything to gain if they take the risk to hold each other close.
☆Featured on the Wattpad @FreetheLGBT and @NA reading lists!☆
Cis/queer romance.
Diverse cast.
Found family themes.
Christian, LGBTQ2A affirming parents.
Christian, LGBTQ2A affirming church.
Mature language and content, obviously including warm sexy times, but also self-harm, alcohol abuse and sexual abuse (off screen). PG-13 warnings on relevant scenes.
Cover by @Teylor.AArt. Used with permission.
For Us was created in collaboration with the fabulous help of a handful of friends, gay men who are each navigating love, sex and spirituality beautifully in their own way. You know who you are ♡
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