Four beautiful girls are the best of friends. The first is the queen bee material. The second is the life of the party. The third is the rational one. and the fourth? ... The Wing Girl. Alexi can say that being the wing girl isn't the easiest job on earth, aside from not earning any money but friendship; she had to hear the frequent sob stories, desperation speeches, the why-he-broke-up-with-me rants, hook us up favors, and the occasional I-thought-he-was-referring-to-me-but-oh-he-meant-my-friend moments. Sure, she's having fun playing cupid for her girl friends and boy friends, but what she doesn't notice is that with all her friendly assistance, her own love life is being eaten up as the others' are blooming with hugs and kisses! When Alexi spots her ex-boyfriend holding hands and blowing kisses with the high school rebound girl, she's determined to keep her own love hot and boiling.. but of course, for another man. Will she find him on her own? Or will everybody she had ever helped start to return their favors? ♥