"You know that I hate you right?" She asked the blonde boy with the mesmerizing blue eyes that was currently seated in her passengers seat.
"That's good, because I hate you too." He replied. They stared at each other for quite some time, wondering what their next move would be.
She kind of wanted to punch him. In the face. With her face. Specifically, with her lips. She didn't have to, since Luke seemed to have this magical ability to read her mind. He grasped the back of her neck and brought her lips to his.
Oliva wasn't used to this. She was always cautious; looking both ways before she crossed the street, stopping at yellow lights, steering clear of broken mirrors. That's exactly why she was surprised at herself when she did something she promised herself she would never do.
She pulled over for a hitchhiker.
Luke was sick of everything. He was sick of people hounding him for the stuff he liked to do. He didn't understand why everyone always looked at him like he was a screw up. So he took off and found himself wandering the shoulder of a highway, looking for some sort of ride.
She pulled over for him.
And shit, did it start the wildest two weeks of their lives.