The story follows the fate of Amerhys-rose Targaryen, first of her name, daughter of
Avrhys Targaryen and the late Amera Тargaryen , the ghost princess, the light you see before your end , as many people like to say. As her late coming into this world , Amerhys grew up with her uncles grandkids , not his kids , as her dad wished. Being an only child to a single loving father , who wasn't a fan of the old stereotypes, she learned how to fight at the age of 10 and had her own dragon at the age of 12. Many feared her , as she was ,,cold-blooded,, but her best friend, her cousin - rhaenyra made her forget the lost of her mother and all of the problems she had , rhaenyra was like a mother to her. But not only her , she was a favourite not only in her fathers heart but in her younger uncles too- daemon, as amerhys grew up , she was extremely shy and she barely spoke with anyone , even with her own girl-company , but she found comfort in the hands of her uncles , who cared for her from time to time. But what happens after her own father and uncle sets her for an unwanted marriage?
Sᴏʟᴜs (adjective)
alone or unaccompanied.
Viserra Targaryen was a bastard. First born child to Daemon Targaryen. Cousin to Rhaenyra. Daughter of a whore. Viserra was born not long after the death of Daemon's first wife, Rhea Royce; just before he married his second wife, Laena Velaryon.
Viserra had no standing. No title. Her father abandoned her. Her mother was murdered. She longed for a family. And that's exactly what her uncle, the king, gave her.
Due to her status as a bastard, Viserra had the choice to marry whenever she wanted, if she wanted. Which she never planned on.
That is, until several years down the road, when she is reunited with her younger cousin.
« House of the Dragon »
Season 1 - 2
Aemond x OC
- This story will have the following themes:
incest, sex, violence, assault, etc.
#1 in Solus