The Whispering Storm || A Warrior Cats Fanfiction
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undefined أجزاء إكمال Every disaster that threatens a Clan means StarClan will come and save you. You'll receive a prophecy that will save everything you love. The peril is vanquished in a battle, and there is no need for sleeping with one eye open anymore. StarClan will forever watch over you from your nest and keep you safe. That is what has been passed down from generations.
Not every tale has to end like that: StarClan saving everyone with the chosen cat, everyone loving the hero or heroine - but it always does. So facing a challenge such as missing cats shouldn't be a challenging task. Moons pass on, cats keep disappearing faster and faster; nobody is doing anything to prevent the case. Everyone is relying on StarClan to send the prophecy to their medicine cat, just hoping that one day, the fiasco will end. Yet that's not the way fear works its way into hearts. Warriors, once brave and strong, now cowering behind one another. Apprentices with their eagerness to learn, now afraid of the outside world and going missing. Queens, always caring for their kits, now fearful of losing them to the mystery. Elders, who are as wise as the deepest river, now unable to provide an answers.
With leaf-bare creeping up, the Clans are preparing for the harsh weather. Preparing for another season should be like gathering moss for the elders, but not this time. This time, the Clans are struggling just to assemble a hunting patrol and maintain borders. Forcing time out of daily tasks is asking the impossible. Leaf-bare is going to take the remaining lives of the cats that are lucky enough to even make it through leaf-fall. A silent storm will sweep across them and leave no traces; they might as well prepare to die in the white flakes of leaf-bare, covered up by mounds of snow, lost and forgotten.
{This is a rewrite of my story and just like before, copying isn't allowed}
{This is also a work of fanfiction! I do not own Warrior Cats!}