12 parts Ongoing In a world marked by profound adversity, a young girl named Najma endures relentless bullying due to her unconventional appearance and the physical stature of her chubby appearance, parents who are perpetually embroiled in discord. Her familial environment is further marred by the contempt of her siblings, who regard her with disdain. Despite the cultural richness that surrounds her, Najma's life is a tumultuous storm of emotional and social strife.
The narrative takes a pivotal turn with the death of her parents, propelling Najma into a new chapter as she moves to her uncle's residence. This transition offers a glimmer of hope for a transformative life, but her past, laden with pain and rejection, clings to her consciousness, shaping her every decision. Najma's journey is one of grappling with the shadows of her past, as the trauma and memories of her previous life relentlessly influence her present choices and future aspirations.
In this poignant tale, the interplay between Najma's deeply ingrained past and her quest for self-discovery underscores a narrative rich in emotional complexity and cultural depth, as she strives to overcome the ghosts of her history and redefine her own identity.