Brandon Breyer, a child who came from across the stars similar to another hero. Landing in Brightburn, Kansas, and found by his adopted parents Tori and Kyle Breyer. His upbringing...had an unfortunate turn of events. The powers that he was born with lead him down a darker path, one where he had a warped sense of the world around himself. This continued until one day, the final crack in his already fragile mind was made. He snapped, he turned on his father, his mother, the very town that he once called home. Brandon slaughtered every human being within Brightburn, until he was the only living thing left. Sadly, he was not the one in control of himself. The ship that he arrived in had a hypnotic lure towards it, that made Brandon spiral into his bloodlust. Knowing this was the case, Brandon hurled the ship into the sun and was admitted into an orphanage after being found by authorities. Brightburn was now a ghost town, only visited by the last living occupant there. Brandon Breyer wished to live a quiet life, an isolated life...but not everyone can get what they want.All Rights Reserved
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