TRIGGER WARNING: THE FOLLOWING CONTENT CONTAINS MATERIALS THAT MAY BE HARMFUL OR TRAUMATIZING TO SOME AUDIENCE. It was a white room where it all started. It was filled with people, different kinds of people, one by one all of them disappeared, and the only ones left were that little girl with those lifeless eyes and her shadow which looks no less than a monster. The Monster was not any monster, but the reason behind those disappearances and those lifeless eyes. The monster was now tired and hungry, so it decided to eat the only girl who was left. But what fun would it be to just swallow that tender lifeless body? It played with it. It played with it to it's heart's content, torturing, killing, giving a glimpse of happiness and sinking it's teeth again even harder and deeper than before. The girl was scared, lonely, tired and most of all already dead on the inside. That little white room was no longer a white room, it was RED, BLOOD RED.... What will happen when the girl finally confronts the monster? Will it be a happy ending? Read on to find out..All Rights Reserved