My eye gazed onto my friend's form. I held my pinkie out with a grin. The wind blowing through the field that was hidden by trees. "Promise me, promise me that you'll marry me once we're older and that I'll be the apple of your eye for all eternity." The sun glowed down onto his rosy cheeks, his coopery blonde hair framing his sunburnt skin as if it were an angel's halo. His amber eyes darting to and fro taking in my words and my face as if checking to ensure I wasn't joking. The boy gulped. I took a gentle step forward nearing him the way I would near an injured deer. I placed my hand on his chest my pinkie still awaiting to be joined with his. My free hand cupped his face brushing his hair out his face and with a pinch to his cheeks, his face was lit a flame. "What do you say? My amaryllis beauty." My eyes softened seeing him gulp, seeing the way sweat began to pepper his face. I neared my face to his own a whisper away from a union of our lips. "What do you say? My Denji."All Rights Reserved