Will Book Camp is a book that is intended to help people who read lots of self-help books and are still seeking that one book that will change their lives. Using military training techniques, Will Boot Camp help the reader develop a stronger willpower and a more resolute personality. The book is implemented in two phases: PHASE I, the philosophical part, will take the reader through a process of self-discovery, where the reader will become more conscious about his strengths and his weaknesses. In this phase the reader will go over some introspective exercises designed to get the reader more acquainted with his inner self so that he can realize that most of his limitations stem out of an acquired mindset. PASE II, the practice part, will use the introspective findings to strengthen the areas where the reader has detected that need to be reinforced. This phase will take the reader though a series of mental and physical challenges oriented to develop his interpersonal skills; his abilities to plan; they will help the reader to attack his fears, etc. The reader can have the option to choose a personal trainer, who will ensure that the reader can enhance the results laid out on the program, so that the reader breaks free of his fears and idle personality and becomes a self-motivated individual who can take on any task given without being deterred by fear to fail or by the difficulty level of the completion of the task.All Rights Reserved
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