We do not choose who we fall in love with. Neither do we choose the place and time it happens. It just happens. When you look at a person and suddenly feel that this is it, this is the one you want to live with. Sometimes, that feeling arises irrespective of what the other person is like. Vegas always loved deeply. Whoever it was. His family, his brothers, his friends and his lovers. He loved them wholeheartedly. Pete hated to express his emotions. He disliked the concept of love, why love someone other than yourself and get disappointed at the end of it? It doesn't benefit anyone. Love is for teens and kids, in the real world love won't get you anywhere. When the two meet and start a project together, would Pete change his views on love or would Vegas? Join them on their journey to find out who and what they love and don't. DISCLAIMER: I do not own these character names. The characters are all created by DAEMI and are part of the Kinnporche series - production company: Be On Cloud (BOC). The names of the characters have been utilised for this story and have no relation to the story created and written by DAEMI. There may be characters' internal relations that mirror the relationships created by DAEMI. This is an inspiration for the characters in a world outside KinnPorche. Please do not copy this content and paste it elsewhere. Thank you.All Rights Reserved