every teenager has that one friend you can count on even if you are doing wierd things........... well i do and her name is ashley AKA.... Ash.... my name is anonumus..... creepy ehh.. no jk my name is Lin.. for short..here is some what my life and everyone else's life.... I’m 14 and love to play volleyball and hang with my friends I’m a freshman at North Delavan High School some people think that the high school is divided into jocks, nerds, random persons, but at this high school everyone is known as the awesome kids. You might be questioning why are you people called that??? Well I will be more than happy to tell you this we are called the awesome people because we throw the awesome parties ever!!!!!!!!!!(!!yay!!) we do throw the best parties and because we are nice to everyone even the new jerks that appeared twenty seconds ago. There you go there is our lives. BTW the jerks are hot............All Rights Reserved