Dear Santa...
The tradition of Letters to Santa - where kids write letters to Santa Claus asking for their gifts before and for Christmas - had no concrete starting point. It just, sort of, happened. So dear Santa indeed receives tons of letters from kids - which are very hard to sort through - bequeath with their wishes for Christmas. From the simplest toy to a bicycle. But of course, only the good kids ever get a gift from Santa.
Still, the oddest things happen. Once a few years or a year there's a few handfuls of letters to Santa that are quite not for Santa.
For some children do tend to create mishaps in their letters. And with eerily curious magnificence, once the letters were written and done, they vanished from the sender's space to the recipient's mailbox. The rarity of these letters missing Santa is quite curious, and it leads to some quite entertaining reactions from Santa himself and the other addressee whom the letter has ended up to.
And so, the letters' salutation has opened with:
Dear Satan...
This is a short story I wrote for a school project.
p.s. no beta we die like men