a diary/drafts about my friend, my sister, my everything. who stuck by my side day after day.
no matter the time, place or event she'd talk to me about her day and i'd listen and she'd do the same.
the memes she'd send. the times she rick rolled my ass and i still resent her for it.
some of these drafts are for someone else, i just used some parts of there work as a prompt/ inspo. and just edited it into my liking.
they were so cute and those fuckers wrote about there lovers and i was like, i have a soulmate so why not re-create that cutie thingy into something more friend like? You don't see a lot of people being romantic or talk deep to there friends :/
We moved out of our city long time ago and we aren't really free 24/7 to talk or just spend time and I have no idea when we'd be able to see eachother again.
Also this person has to study like a dog, so me being the good friend I am decided to make you a book where you will see cute stuff and there just devoted for you. Either it's songs, short stories, poems, podcasts, poetry, drafts and whatever
(It'll mostly be sad but I'm still excited)
Like a motivation and a reminder there's someone who'll stand with you all the way. It's me if you didn't know btw
Ps. Grammar won't be that good or too perfect so don't focus on it too much just read it and cry