In the twilight of ages, an ancient war raged across the universe. The mermaids, mystical and celestial beings, engaged in a timeless battle against the sirens, deceitful and enigmatic creatures. For eons, they had tried to take over Plaigar Bay, an archipelago that nuzzled at the crossroads of every dimension.
Heiress and scion of a lineage of mermaid guardians, Cheneva is a princess who bears the legacy of her renowned mother, Ezira, the Guardian who brought peace to the universe by sealing herself with the sirens in another dimension. However, her departure caused a series of events to ripple across the archipelago. Portals yawning open and releasing imprisoned demons, whilst ancient entities, once vanquished by Ezira's hand, resurface.
The rise of these various threats forces Cheneva to face her fear of becoming a Guardian as her ascent to power marked the progressive death of her mother.
Torn between her duties and her love for the one who gave her life, Cheneva reluctantly embarks on a treacherous odyssey. Guided by an eclectic ensemble-Rore, the stern and authoritative elf; Tia, the spectral healer straddling the realms of life and death; Atohi, the one-eyed fairy veiled in enigma; and Kassamine, the dwarf ensnared by the call of adventure - the princess braves the dangers to unravel the mystery that is disrupting the peace for which her mother fought so hard to maintain.
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All rights reserved to Mariette EDWIN and Shaun SPENCER.
02/06/2023: First draft done.