A tale about a high school mean girl, a sentient egg, and an adventure they go on. This adventure includes but is not limited to outer space, UFOs, redemption arcs, fire-powered scooters, interplanetary train systems, human-sized arthropods, librarians, the forces of Brah, heart-to-heart talks, literal wood people, fancy restaurants, teenage rebellion, electronic dance music, shutter shades, evil organizations, questionable company management, imprisonment, group fighting, crash landings, and the defeat of the biggest threat to the galaxy with sheer willpower and bare fists.
Updates will be irregular, sorry about that. Illustrations will be added after I upload the chapter they appear in.
- sae itoshi x f!reader
- chatfic
- the old one is back guys pls come back im sorry
STARTED - 03 / 2 / 23
PUBLISHED - 03 / 4 / 23
FINISHED - 00 / 0 / 00