When Logan Tennerfield meets Ash Beauchetta, a fiery and independent girl with an extreme hatred for the word curdled, the two immediately get off on the wrong foot. Pushing somebody off a cliff isn't exactly an ideal ice breaker, neither is kissing the girl you pushed off said cliff. Logan knows he messed up and Ash? She's out for revenge and she'll stop at nothing until she gets it.
What starts out as a competition of pride, seemingly innocent pranks and banter lead to midnight skinny dipping, an epic food fight, an arrest and the single most awkward make out session the two have ever witnessed. The two will deal with corrupt cops, jealous teenagers, an emotional roller coaster and an old 'friend', The Sephtis, the country's most notorious street fighter who just so happens to be looking for a certain fiery, curdle hating brunette.
"I would say that it was nice to meet you also, but that would mean lying. I may be many things, Logan Tennerfield but a liar I am definitely not." She smirked and retreated back in the opposite direction of the hallway, when she got to the double doors she stopped and without looking
back, called over her shoulder, with a tone that could only be described as cocky
"Oh by the way, next time you steal my lingerie make sure you don't leave your journal behind. I haven't read it yet but I think I might hold onto it for a bit. Maybe do some light reading?" With that she threw open the doors and was gone in an instant.
"For fuck's sake!" I slammed my hand into a near by locker the slight stinging sensation helping to distract me but did little to calm me down. You know what? Fine, Beauchetta you want to play this game, we'll play it. You'll get yours and when you do, lord have mercy on both our souls. After all I do love a good game.
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