A Mexican version of the super sentai and Power Rangers The story takes place in the city of Monterrey Nicandro Tesillos is a dreamer boy, he wishes to know the confines of the universe, to develop technology that facilitates the lives of human beings, together with his best friend Matías Gerardo they share the same ideals, once near the hill of the chair he sees lights and finds a spaceship from which two beings come out who share knowledge with him, his classmates treat him crazy, only Matías and Cristal, a very happy girl, understand him, time passes and both manage to study Telecommunications Engineering over the years they associate and create the Cibernética corporation, Matías Gerardo thinks of creating a powerful millionaire empire, but Tesillos thinks of giving these inventions to humanity for free, he thoroughly studies alternating current, which makes the governments of Mexico and the United States have him in their sights, because of his way of thinking, in a project Cristal dies which causes Matías sadness and he begins to hate Tesillos and leaves, over the years he starts to hate the h umanidad, created three computer viruses Polybius, Trajano and Giga, used to steal corpses from morgue and also kidnap people to create androids with gifted powers and start with their viruses and Androids attack to take over Monterrey, Mexico and the world, Tesillos in secret I elaborate some devices known as the Cybernetics, only those that are compatible will be able to use the Cybernetic power, for this they enter their son Nefi, Jorge his best friend, Esperanza a scholarship girl, Francisca a gypsy and Cris a young electrician and Guru fan of dreams lucid and conscience. The creator of the drawings is a friend from Venezuela Your server handles the plot #CyberGuardians
Adrian, tuan muda kaya raya, Alpha dan Philantrophist, semua orang bertanya-tanya apa yang ia tidak punya kecuali narsisme dan keenganannya untuk melakukan pekerjaan rumah?
Bagaimanapun, Theodore tidak bisa membiarkan Adrian, orang yang ditakdirkan bersamanya menjadi penghalangnya. Tapi tentu saja tidak mudah. Adrian-begitu memesona dan menarik. Meski Theodore tidak akan mengakuinya.