- ".. It was just the simplest house wardrobe after all.." she claimed. I felt something shranking my heart as i read her words. 'It can not be true..' i tought to myself as i countinoud reading. ".. Oh and the dress, yes, i almost forgot. It is as usual as it can be. Do not be botherd sending it back Dear, I do not need it anymore. It is only fabrick in my eyes, however, It may had brought joy to my soul when my parents taunted I looked perfect in it.. Those rumbles were not true but it did not mattered to me, still not do, only the attention i got back then. And THAT day, It was just as perfest as.. Well, anyways, It is in the past now isn't it? It is now belongs to you, Dearest. I hope it would make THAT day perfect for you too and you shall shine like the most beautiful star in the sky :). Take care Dear, lots of love - Aunt Katharina May"
After i finished i zooned out on the paper. 'Why would she give it to ME? I can not be botherd with just any dress as a present, but this...? It is the most perfect and precious gift i could ever imagine.. But I do not deserve it. Not after.. No..' as i mumble to myself my gaze sift to the fabrick on my desk right in front of me. My hands are moving on their own and I cought myself toching the soft silk mesmarised.
' It's so soft.. Is this really made of some everyday silk?.. No, It must have been made of the dreams and sky dust.. " i remember the bedtime storys Aunt May told me when i was younger. She often rembled about this kind on nonsenses, but.. It kind of made sens now. All the unbelievable adventures she and her friend went throug just by stepping in that closest.. That wardrobe. I have to see it with my own eyes. She always kept it from me, just as she kelt this magneficent dress away from everyone but her doughter and me. But that wardrobe is something else.. I must see it as soon as possibke, before THAT day comes. -