I was born from kingdom of Stardust. A land far away. Not a soul ever knew about our existence. We were always hidden in the sidelines of our main city Dream Charge. It's where all dreams of people are processed and they do their best to make it come true. Now, here's the thing, I don't have a dream. I never had a dream. Or at least I do. Maybe? Uh...No.
So, ever since then, I was banished from my homeland- never to return again. And suddenly I landed in this planet full of green and blue colors. I felt a very positive aura of people with dreams. Beautiful ones full of aspiration, love, and just plain happiness. If you ever ask me, I never had one. I never knew how to make one. I was hopeless. I felt so inferior of everyone around me.
I was always alone. Alone in the first place.