A fictional parental guide on how to adopt random kids you find, make a mansion and somehow make that into a great community. This story has no real plot and each chapter explains an experience. The story's all relate to each other and it's almost like a mythology in its own followed with lore and adventure. Will the characters find love or tragedy as they live their lives in this crooked manor of queers. Story may get : fluffy, dark, mysterious, confusing, maybe gore, potential 🍋 and ofc HORRIBLE PLOT LINE AND GRAMMAR. No judgment in comments, we accept people for who they are unless it's like really really gross stuff like cannibalism or like shit kinks. oh yeah almost forgot, swearing and potential bdsm or kink talk, very gay. if you don't like my shit, respectfully, leave, if you comment HATE on my shit or hate on others with no respect, fuck off.