If you're reading this Harry something has happened to me and mum gave you this letter. I wrote this when when I had Ella just in case of a situation of me being gone or something like that. Haha okay I should stop laughing something serious could have happened to me sorry Haz. But since you are the god father of my precious Ella you are mostly likely going to take her into your care. Harry take of care of my baby. I trusted you with my life and Ella is a part of me so please take care of her well . I know you will do great because you're great at everything you do. Make time for her, kiss her, tell her I love her, tell her you love her.............. (More letter in the story) Harry I love you and Ella loads. Keep her safe. I love you guys with all my heart.
Love your baby sister,
Claire or Claire Bare as you liked to call me :)
P.S Take care of her.....Uncle Harry :D
P.P.S Stay Strong don't cry about me too much I will watch over you guys :)
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