Soul- simply, Life. But for some reason she's starting to hate 'life', why? Simply, because, for her- her life is boring, no thrill and no excitement. She'll wake up in the morning go to work, take care of her handle / cousin who's unfortunately an artist, means- she has a lot of work to do, aside from standing in her cousin's, back and carrying all her cousin's issue, bags, tissue and pressure.
So for her, there's no sense in being excited on her boring life if for her, it's just a never ending full of boredom cycle that is not just thrilling enough to make her jump off her bed in the morning. And so she decided, there'll absolutely no one new can enter in her boring and full of rant life.
And then it happened. For a stupid reason and not played by fate, she once again met the person who ruined her boring cycle way back in their days. In the current situation, she started reminiscing their memories together, it all came back like a memory that's curved out on her brain and can't even forget about it after all those years; how he made her jump off of her bed in the morning because of excitement, how he curved and slanted her cycle, how he made her rare smile showed
Meet my new shaty girl. Yniett from the word "Entity"
The cliché story where both of them aren't interested to get back together, main reason is their past. But it's as if they have knotted the knot, and tangled the string, that it keeps pulling them together.
But why does after all those things, events, and circumstances, why did she suddenly become non-existent to him? And he remain far from her?
|Freelationship Series # 1|
Llander Gian Evangelista and Revian Cerise Reynoso made a promise to not get romantically involved as they believe it would ruin their friendship. They failed to realize that hiding their feelings from each other will lead them to miscommunication to being lost in translation.