6 parts Ongoing Maturen the story "Two Odd Mates," Namjoon, a young werewolf, eagerly anticipates the day he discovers his sub-gender, believing he will be the next alpha of his pack. However, during a sacred ritual, it's revealed that he is a true-blood omega, a rare and unexpected outcome that shocks him and his pack. Four years later, Namjoon meets Yoongi, a 128-year-old vampire who was cursed alongside his younger brother, Taehyung. Despite the natural animosity between wolves and vampires, Namjoon and Yoongi discover they are destined mates, bound by an unbreakable bond. Together, they confront the challenges posed by their different species and the disapproval of their respective communities, determined to fight for their connection and the future they could share. The story explores themes of identity, fate, and the strength of love in the face of adversity.