7 parts Complete In this captivating continuation of the events set in motion by "The Sanzu River Rises" and "Unleash the Overdrive on Mako Island," the remnants of The Armada, led by the formidable Gerk-nephew of Emperor Marvo and cousin to Vekar and Vrak-launch a brazen invasion of Earth. Their dark alliance is further fortified by the malevolent Evox and the enigmatic mermaid Aurora. Drawing inspiration from the dynamic narrative of "Go-Busters vs Gokaiger," this compelling adaptation seamlessly weaves together the sagas of Beast Morphers, Megaforce/Super Megaforce Rangers, Mako Mermaids, and H2O Just Add Water.
Within this sprawling tale, the heroes of Beast Morphers, Megaforce/Super Megaforce, Mako Mermaids, and H2O Just Add Water unite their strengths to combat the relentless threat. A captivating fusion of the Go-Busters movie elements-specifically the enthralling monster and zord battles-adds an exhilarating layer of excitement. This epic undertaking unfolds shortly after the events of "Grid Connection" and just before the engrossing chapter of "Golden Opportunity" in Beast Morphers Season 2. The chronicle finds its place in the larger tapestry of time, occurring years after the conclusion of Mako Mermaids' third season.
It's imperative to recognize that the copyrights for "Go-Busters vs Gokaiger," the Go-Busters movie, Megaforce/Super Megaforce, Beast Morphers, H2O Just Add Water, and Mako Mermaids reside with their respective owners. Toei and Hasbro retain the copyrights for Super Sentai and Power Rangers, while Jonathan M. Shiff Productions holds the copyrights for H2O Just Add Water and Mako Mermaids. This amalgamation of narratives stands as a testament to the imaginative potential that emerges when diverse worlds collide, delivering a tale of unprecedented unity and heroism.