In the heat of battle of the Order 66, one Jedi survives due to a mix of good and bad luck, force powers and a little bit of ancient Rakata tech. Linshara finds herself transported to an unknown world where the Force acts strangely. Desiring to redeem her failure on Rakata Prime, she joins forces with an old man in grey robes and a pointy hat. First task? Take back Erebor! Fili/OC
The Shadow (A Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Story) DISCONTINUED
11 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte
11 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
There was a Princess in the Woodland Realm. She was the oldest of four children. Unlike her siblings, though, she was forced to stay inside the kingdom. Tavelier was angry about this, so she decided to change who she was after running away from home. Years pass, and she still hadn't returned home. When she joins the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, she will have to return. Will her family welcome her back, or will they push her away after what she did? Join Tavelier on her journey to discover who she is.