Liam Charnas has gone further than he ever thought he would in life after the accident that changed everything. He managed to live past the age of fifteen, despite the accident. A scholarship to an elite boarding school would be nice for most, but not for him. Not many really appreciate his intelligence, actually, they don't like that he doesn't have to pay, so he's isolated, despised, nobody likes him. He doesn't mind their hatred, he feels like it's well deserved. His was a different kind of self loathing, that doesn't mean it doesn't annoy him at times.
The accident left him with more than just physical scars of course, it left him afraid of commitment, afraid of any type of relationship with anyone, more than that, it left him with no intention of ever getting his memories back. The only people who he had any relationship with were his adoptive parents, no one else. He didn't want to love, he may not have remembered it but he knew it was painful to lose. He didn't want a relationship, he was afraid of being abandoned, and didn't even like school in general, he didn't see the purpose of learning anymore, but like school, the other two were unavoidable the moment Garrett Morrow decided he wasn't invested enough in this loner's life. He decided to help Liam try and get his memory back, but in the process adds more confusion into Liam's life which leaves the poor boy wondering what he'll do with himself.
All copyrights reserved. This book is fictional, containing fictional characters and place and is my own original work. Spotify Playlist pending.
It's not a mystery. It's no secret. There are no rumors floating around that aren't perhaps a little bit true. The events leading up to all of this are subtle. They are simple. In-complex in their entirety. His name was Shane. He wasn't new. I was. This was a school. A quite grungy school in a quite washed up city. The humor in all of this? I knew, I always knew that I wasn't what I thought I was. Only because of my inexperience in the area. This is not a love story. It's a story about me finding myself. Me finding who and what I am. I'm not the type of person to tell a half-assed story, so I might drawl it out a bit, so excuse me if I do. At the end, you might ask yourself why you wasted your time but, give me a try. You might even enjoy my misfortune.
*Okay, so i give up on editing right now. It's not my main concern, but if you see something and it annoys you to no end, please tell me, because chances are, it's been bothering me too, but I've just been too lazy to search for it, or I think no one will notice because, who reads this anyway? Thank you so much.*