Shez Magdalyn has lived the mercenary's life for years. After falling into a familiar rhythm with those she came to call family, Shez was satisfied at last... Only for it all to be torn away from her at the hands of the overwhelmingly strong Byleth Eisner, the Ashen Demon. Lost and with nowhere to go, Shez finds herself with only a mysterious presence in her mind known as Arval to guide her. A chance encounter lands Shez at the Officers Academy and then in the Adrestian Empire. Edelgard has ambitions of war to change the face of the world forever, and Shez vows to remain at her side to the end of it. Elsewhere in Fódlan, Dimitri attempts to hold together a crumbling nation that has been broken longer than he's been alive. Claude, meanwhile, tries to find unity across borders in the heart of conflict. Unbeknownst to Shez, the rest of her allies, and even her enemies, her presence is slated to turn the tide of the war to come in ways she never would have imagined... And this might just be the best ending to the calamity of ashen souls and fallen hearts. {Golden ending of Three Hopes vaguely following Scarlet Blaze}All Rights Reserved